You are invited to the premiere of The San Diego Museum of Art’s “Built by Women” virtual tour. Channel your inner Rosie the Riveter and come to this not-to-be-missed event for art lovers everywhere presented by docents, Kathee Christensen and Marilyn Woods.
When we say “built,” we are talking about art other than paintings. The hugely talented and incredibly fascinating artists we will present work in what has traditionally been men’s fields like sculpture, especially large scale. But we’ll also feature several examples of what we have come to identify as “traditional women’s work” like quilting and weaving, but with a contemporary interpretation.

You are invited to the premiere of The San Diego Museum of Art Docent Council's “Built by Women” virtual tour. Channel your inner Rosie the Riveter and come to this not-to-be-missed event featuring the work of internationally known artists Faith Ringgold, Pae White, and Nancy Lorenz, along with beloved San Diego favorites Marianela de la Hoz, Jean Lowe, and Ann Mudge hosted by Kathee Christensen and Marilyn Woods.
By the way, men are more than welcome to our presentation!

When we say “built,” we are talking about art other than paintings.
The talented artists we will present work in what has traditionally been men’s fields like sculpture, especially large scale.
But we’ll also feature several examples of what we have come to identify as “traditional women’s work” like quilting and weaving, but with a contemporary interpretation.

Reserve your front row seat now!
When: Saturday, March 6, 2021 – 11am to noon, PST
Where: Your house, it’s a virtual Zoom tour!
What: Art of both internationally known artists such as Faith Ringgold,
Pae White, and Louise Nevelson, and San Diego standouts
Marianela de la Hoz, Anne Mudge, and Jean Lowe.
Cost: It’s free – no charge, but registration is required. (It’s also
okay to make a donation to the museum, if you’d like.)
Just click here to register.
Note: If you register FREE, be sure to add quantity 1 (or however many) in the box on that line.
See you March 6 at 11 am PST