End of August. How unjust.
September looms. Summer’s doom.
Out, out damn Dahlias, lavender wands, lemonade with mint.
Au Revoir my floppy garden hat.
Fly away fireflies.
Sayonara sandcastles, seashores, sandals.
Goodbye picnics, strings of party lights, games on the grass.
Aloha tropical fruit drinks, paper fans, tanned selves.
Savor the last of the season’s heirloom tomatoes, fresh basil, watermelon.
Welcome soft woolens.
Fond farewell to nests of baby chicks; birds frolic in the sky with yellow butterflies.
Geese will soon fly south.
Homemade ice cream makes way for pumpkin pie. Popsicles melt away.
What will become of summer romance?
Night will come sooner. I will light candles.
End of August. Next year I trust?
Adieu my summer. I scarcely knew you.
Oh no, I say, too. Days are shorter, cooler and time here is waning. It’s hard to believe we’ve been here 3 months already. These shorter days make me sad as I realize it’s time to return to CA. I love it here and can see myself living here year round at some point. The lake, loons and garden all speak to me. I don’t have this blessed sense of peace in CA. I guess roots run deep. Now Jon and Tom have moved here so another reason to think about the future. I love taking care of this house and feel my Mother’s presence. I love the trees, thunder storms and smell of mowed grass. Pondering my future......
Not so fast my darling,
The arrival of September in San Diego means that summer continues gloriously for yet another while (most of the hottest summer days recorded are in September) so rescue your sandals and tee shirts (leave the soft woolens in storage), continue enjoying your lemonades and watermelon (no hot chocolate and compotes yet), put on the floppy hat and don't let the sun stop tanning your southern California body. RS